This is my virtual bookshelf, where I keep track of my previous and current reads.
Currently Reading
- Harsanyi, Teiva - 100 Go Mistakes
- Wong, David - Real World Cryptography
- Seirawan, Yasser - Play Winning Chess
Previous Reads
- Browning, Christopher R. - Ordinary Men
- Abrahamian, Ervand - The Coup
- Clark, Christopher - Sleepwalkers
- McBride, James - Five Carat Soul
- Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse Five
- Chang, Iris - The Rape of Nanking
- Reader, John - Cities
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Notes from Underground
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
- Pirsig, Robert - Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintenance
- Bogle, John - The Little Book of Commone Sense Investing
- Camus, Albert - The Stranger
- Russell, Bertrand - A History of Western Philosophy
- Orwell, George - Animal Farm
- Zinsser, William - On Writing Well
- Hunt, Morton - The Story of Psychology
- Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
- Orwell, George - 1984
- Greene, Robert - The Laws of Human Nature
- Blackburn, Simon - Think
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
- Shirer, William - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
- Newport, Cal - Deep Work
- Frankl, Viktor - Man’s Search for Meaning
- Carroll, Sean - Something Deeply Hidden
- Hunt, Andrew & Thomas, David - The Pragmatic Programmer
- McConnell, Steve - Code Complete
- Waldrop, Mitchell - The Dream Machine
- Kernighan, Brian - Unix
- Khan, David - The Codebreakers
- Levy, Steven - Crypto
- Levy, Steven - Hackers
- Singh, Simon - The Code Book
- Levy, Steven - Facebook
- Bryson, Bill - A Short History of Nearly Everything
- Sagan, Carl - The Demon Haunted World
- Catmull, Ed - Creativity, Inc.
- Snowden, Edward - Permanent Record
- Petzold, Charles - Code
- Dawkins, Richard - The Selfish Gene